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How can I register on the Alpha Academy website?


You can register by clicking on the "Log in" window, then "Create an account."

Fill in the required fields with accurate information.

When you're done, confirm the device you want to access the website from.

Access to the (Alpha) platform is limited to this device and browser only.

I'm having trouble accessing the website. How can I resolve it?


The issue of not being able to access the website may be due to logging into your account from different devices.

Make sure to log in to the website from the same device where you created the account.

Ensure that you enter your password correctly.

If you can't log in, contact the (Alpha) Academic Facebook page.

The website asks me to create a new account despite having previously registered with the required information.


Your student account remains active except in the following cases:

  • Use of fake account names.
  • Name with only one syllable.
  • Incorrect email or email mismatch with the name.
  • Invalid mobile number.

Please note that an email will be sent via email from the website administration to notify the account owner to update their information within 72 hours before deletion.

How can I request materials in hard copy (documents)?


  • Click on the "Order your paper" link, then fill in the required fields with accurate information.
  • Select the material you want to receive in paper format from the "Document" list.
  • You can add notes to the request through the notes box, such as requesting more than one document in the order.

Where can I find the content after purchasing the course or the PDF?


The student can access the Course/PDF after the purchase by clicking on the subscribed material or going to the menu and clicking on "My PDF" or "My Courses."

How can I subscribe to courses?


  1. Open the "Courses" link and click on the course you want to enroll in.
  2. After entering the course, click on the "Buy this course" option.
  3. You can subscribe to courses in two ways:
    1. If you purchase an Alpha course card, fill in the required field with the appropriate card code and click "Send."
    2. If you transfer the course fee electronically to one of the accounts above, attach a copy of the transfer receipt and click "Send."

How can I subscribe to PDFs?


  1. Open the "PDFs" link and click on the PDF you want to enroll in.
  2. After entering the pdf, click on the "Buy this PDF" option.
  3. You can subscribe to PDFs in two ways:
    1. If you purchase an Alpha PDF card, fill in the required field with the appropriate card code and click "Send."
    2. If you transfer the PDF fee electronically to one of the accounts above, attach a copy of the transfer receipt and click "Send."

What is the effective duration of (Alpha) registration cards for courses?


An (Alpha) card remains effective for one full semester, where the card code is used once, and you are automatically enrolled in the course.